This year is already half over! Here's how things are going with
my reading and blogging goals and the challenges I'm participating in.
Read fewer books. So far, so good. I'm mostly keeping up with my goal to read 500 books. I am generally between 15 and 20 books behind, but nothing so terrible that I can't catch up. I am definitely glad I didn't set a goal of 800 again this year.
Review more books overall, but fewer books on the blog. I have definitely reviewed fewer books on the blog so far this year, and will in fact not be posting any blog reviews in July just to give myself time to catch up. I haven't tallied it up, but it does feel like I have posted more Goodreads reviews this year than in the past.
Review books in a more timely manner. I still have some room for improvement here, but it's gotten much better. I have really been making an effort to review ARCs as I read them and to decide right away if I'm not going to review a given book. .
Branch out from book reviews. I'm still working on this. The Blog All About It challenge has been helping.
Post blog posts to Facebook regularly. Right after I set this goal, Facebook changed its algorithm and I pretty much abandoned my page. I post here and there, but there is nothing regular about the schedule. They just make it too hard to build up a meaningful following.
Host a #bookstagram challenge. I'm doing this in July! Check out #picturebookpicnic, which will run from July 1-31 on my Instagram @mrskatiefitz.
Keep a bullet journal. This hasn't been successful in the way I intended, but I have enjoyed having one book to keep track of reading, tasks, packing lists, moving stuff, etc. I may start using it more after we move and start homeschooling.
Stop getting the news from social media. I don't follow any news sources on social media anymore and it has been great. I get the major headlines here and there and occasionally look up more information if I feel the need. But otherwise, not knowing what the Internet at large thinks of every news story has been a huge relief and I waste much less time in "someone's wrong on the Internet" mode.
A to Z Challenge hosted by Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest. I've read children's books for 20 letters. I have J, N, O, Q, V, and X left. I wish I could participate more in some of the mini-challenges and things, but there's just so much going on all the time that it's hard to keep track of.
Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge hosted by Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book. For this one, I'm focusing on adult books. So far, I've crossed off 17 letters, but still need to read books for K, N, Q, R, U, V, W, X, and Y.
Author Love Challenge hosted by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading. I've read 10 of the required 15 books, but if I'm truly going to complete the entire list of this author's books, I have 22 to go.
Blog All About It hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup. I've blogged about all six topics so far. It's been nice to have some prompts to help me brainstorm new post ideas.
Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight. I feel like I can't break into this community. I comment on posts at different times during the month, but I don't seem to get a lot of visits to my posts in return. I'm going to keep working at it over the summer.
Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge hosted by Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh my! and Barb @ Booker T's Farm. My goal is to reach the Inspector level, which is 26-35 books. As of today, I've just hit 26, so I could technically be finished, but I plan to keep counting.
Craving for Cozies hosted by Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book. I've read 20 cozies. I'm shooting for at least 28, so I have several more to go.
Family Tree Reading Challenge hosted by Becky's Book Reviews. I've read books for the years 1933, 1982, 1985, 2015, and 2017. I'm still looking for books published in 1946, 1959, and 2013.
Library Love Challenge hosted by Angel's Guilty Pleasures and Brooke Blogs. I've been making decent progress on this thanks to ebooks and audiobooks downloaded through Hoopla and Overdrive. I need to read 16 more library books to meet my goal.
Linz the Bookworm hosted by Linz the Bookworm. My goal is just to finish level 1, but it sure is taking a long time. I have these categories left: A comedy or a satire book ; Read a book by Nora Roberts; A book on a best seller list
Old School Kidlit Reading Challenge hosted here at Read-at-Home Mom. I've read 40 of the 52 "old school" books I pledged to read, but I haven't reviewed them all as I had originally planned. There just is not enough time to review everything!
Writing Reviews Challenge hosted by Delighted Reader. I wanted to write 100 reviews this year, and I'm already up to 83.