Lent Activities
Each day, we added a Jesus tree ornament to our clothesline display, prayed a decade of the Rosary, read a quote from a saint, colored a square on our Lenten path, and watched a meditation from Brother Francis. We sang "Think of the Son of God."
Morning Time
Poems: From Favorite Poems Old and New, edited by Helen Ferris (Doubleday Books, 1957), I read "The Deer" by Mary Austin, "The Peppery Man" by Arthur Macy, "Wynken Blynken and Nod" by Eugene Field, and "Sisters" by Eleanor Farjeon.
Art appreciation: On Friday, we looked at Annunciation by Fra Angelico from The Vatican Art Deck and watched this video. We also listened to The Angel Gabriel.
Music appreciation: My husband continued reading aloud Carmen: The story of Bizet's Opera by Robert Lawrence and played recordings of pieces from the opera.
In Builders of the Old World, C. and I read "First Steps in Democracy" and "The Greeks Defend Their Freedom." She wrote a narration defining democracy, and continued reading Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago.
M. started reading The Year of the Horseless Carriage by Genevieve Foster and read these sections:
- Richard Trevithick
- Robert Fulton
M. also began reading Robert Fulton and the Steamboat by Ralph Nading Hill.
We started BFSU Lesson B-11 Plant Science II: Germination, Seedling Growth and Responses. We read aloud Linnea's Windowsill Garden by Christina Bjork and discussed sexual versus asexual reproduction in plants. The girls watched another episode of The Private Life of Plants.
Physical Education
In addition to several bike rides, the girls also enjoyed trying Move Its from Amanda Hooper on YouTube.Instrumental Music
M., C., and E. practiced piano daily.
M. and C. practiced recorder daily.