Thursday, March 6, 2025

Homeschool Update: January/February 2025

All Grades


After weeks of drilling the first and second declensions, we returned to daily lessons in Keep Going with Latin


M. memorized "The Highwayman" -- finally. C. memorized "The Destruction of Sennacherib" by Lord Byron and "Pied Beauty" by Gerard Manley Hopkins, and now she is working on  "The Ballad of William Sycamore" by Stephen Vincent Benet. E. is working on "Casabianca" by Felicia Hemans.


The girls continued memorizing a few questions each from the Catechism lessons.


In January, we studied: 

  • A Strawberry Girl by Joshua Reynolds
  • The Banjo Lesson by Henry Ossawa Tanner
  • George Washington, The Athenaeum by Gilbert Stuart 
  • Follow The Leader by Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel

In February, we studied: 

  • Abraham Lincoln (the Lincoln Memorial) by Daniel Chester French 
  • The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet
  • Little Miss Muffet by Jessie Wilcox
  • The Horse Fair by Rosa Bonheur


The girls have continued watching Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts on Wednesday evenings, as well as some additional musical performances. All three continue to practice recorder and piano daily. C. is also practicing ukulele. 

5th Grade (M., girl, age 11)

Social Studies 

M. finished The Asian World and The Age of Empires in her Oxford textbook series and started The Age of Voyages. She watched related Great Courses episodes and completed workbook pages daily. 


M. continued watching John Long's Great Courses videos about robotics and did Arduino activities from Arduino for Beginners. 


M. made further progress in Editor in Chief, Sentence Diagramming Level 2, and Easy Grammar, and she moved into Vocabulary from Classical Roots C. 


M. continues to do a Challenging Word Problem each day. She is still working on Algebra I on Khan Academy (around 90% complete). She finished Life of Fred: Pre-algebra 0 with Physics and moved on to Pre-Algebra 1 with Biology. 

3rd Grade (C., girl, age 9)

Social Studies

C. studied WWI and WWII. She watched Wartime Farm (her favorite), Dunkirk, Sink the Bismarck, Station X, The Battle of the Bulge, and The Longest Day. 


C. continued working on Sentence Diagramming Level 2, Daily Grams, and Vocabulary from Classical Roots A. 


C. continued working independently on The Book of Birds. We worked together on Snap Circuits, but started to find that it was too much, so we switched gears. She watched the first episode of The Mystery of Matter and we tried reading Romance of Chemistry, but it was too much for her, so we switched to Mystery of the Periodic Table by Benjamin Wiker, and that's going well. She is still doing a few Snap Circuits projects the last week of each month.


C. continued working on Singapore Primary Mathematics 4B, including correcting past incorrect answers. She finished Life of Fred: Honey and moved onto Life of Fred: Ice Cream. She finished Khan Academy 7th grade math and moved on to 8th grade math. 

1st Grade (E., girl, age 7)

Social Studies 

We jumped ship with Story of Civilization because it was disorganized and tedious and picked up with A Picturesque Tale of Progress beginning with the Renaissance. We started reading about Marco Polo as February ended. 


Let's Read and Find Out About Science was too easy, so we switched to Isaac Asimov's How Did We Find Out About series. We have read about earthquakes, volcanoes, coal, and oil so far. 


E. continued working in Sentence Diagramming Beginning and Easy Grammar Workbook 3-4. 


E. finished Singapore Primary Mathematics 2B and Singapore Primary Mathematics 3A part 1, and she finished Life of Fred: Dogs. She is now 40% through 6th grade math on Khan Academy.

Pre-K (R., boy, age 4 & A., girl, age 4)

We started reading aloud The Golden Book of Cavemen

A. read many Hooked on Phonics readers and some other easy readers. 

Both twins worked on Early Math Review in Khan Academy and practiced with the soroban. 

R. is reading chapter books. 

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